Important! These Characters are from various websites. If the autor don´t want that I post a link to his/her website or to another when not finding the website. I will delete it.
LIGHT YAGAMI This Character can kill you by one hit. He just takes his book write in your Name and you are dead. created by Z Sabre User/Panda WEBSITE LINK
This Character is super cheap press1 and the battle is yours. created by hsiehtm WEBSITE LINK
This Character hit you some time then he becomes super Pac-Man you get Blue and Pac-Man can eat you but if you lucky you still alive. created by "" WEBSITE LINK
Yes u listen right its a Killer Whale it attacks from the ground if it snatch you its over. created by N64Mario WEBSITE LINK DOPEFISH
This fish hits on someone and if the time is right it swallow you and you are eaten by a fish an emberassing end. created by The_None + Aokmaniac + Tom Hall + Joe Siegler + Brian Kendall WEBSITE LINK